Jerry Arnold's profile

Johns Hopkins University

This was my concept and design, and the final product was a large four foot by eight foot poster. The major parts of this image, the man, the computer and the desk, were stock images. I worked with a photographer to shoot the slide projector, trays and slides. I added these into the stock image and color balanced the parts to get a unified look. The title and logo were also designed in Photoshop, using styles. I then wrote and added the rest of the text to finish the piece. This was installed outside the department to promote Computer Graphics & Digital Imaging.

Published works in the Journal of Biological Photography
Digital Imaging of Class Rosters - Journal of Biological Photography, Vol. 64 No 3: 59-62
Digital Imaging on Kodak Photo CD - Journal of Biological Photography, Vol. 65 No 3: 59-62 
PICT Your TIFF: An Overview of Digital File Formats - Journal of Biological Photography, Vol. 66 No 1: 25-27 
As part of the requirement to attend the National Seminar for the Biological
Photography Association, I was require to submit a paper and have it published within the Journal. For each of these papers I also did a talk at seminars in Reno, NV, San Antonio, TX, and Portland, ME.

As part as a interdepartment party favor, I created these double sided life-size $500 dollar bills printed on a Canon CLC 1000. Once the alignment issues were solved, it was just print and trim to size.

I was tasked to develop a design for The Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins. Starting with the Hopkins dome, I added the capital W and enclosed it within an ellipse.   to superimpose over the dome and enclosed it within an ellipse.

Johns Hopkins University


Johns Hopkins University
